July 14, 2013

Exist v.s Existing and Auto Exist in MDX – Part 2–Usual confusion

Please read the Part1 of the same series to get the continuity

Usual confusions

  • Exists and “Auto exists” are nearly same only difference is Exists function don’t display the second set .

Actually no. One set the context other doesn’t

SELECT [Measures].[Reseller Sales Amount] ON 0           
, Exists( [Product].[Subcategory].[Subcategory].Members
)on 1
FROM [Adventure Works]
where [Product].[Category].[Bikes]

Above query will produce no results because we are slicing by two different members(Bikes & Clothing) at the same time. But the the query allows you to use the same dimension hierarchy in both rows Axis and slicer axis.

But the below query will produce errors, because it sets the context

SELECT [Measures].[Reseller Sales Amount] ON 0      
, [Product].[Subcategory].[Subcategory].Members *

on 1
FROM [Adventure Works]
where [Product].[Category].&[1]


  • Existing keyword is just an extension of Exists, we can achieve the similar results with exist and currentmember function

Yes, But use of existing will improve the maintainability of code

Both the below codes will produce the same results

with member countofsubcategory as 
count( existing [Product].[Subcategory].[Subcategory].Members)
SELECT {[Measures].[Reseller Sales Amount], countofsubcategory} ON 0
, [Product].[Category].[Category].Members
on 1
from [Adventure Works]

with member countofsubcategory as
count( exists( [Product].[Subcategory].[Subcategory].Members
,[Product].[Category].currentmember ))
SELECT {[Measures].[Reseller Sales Amount], countofsubcategory} ON 0
, [Product].[Category].[Category].Members
on 1
from [Adventure Works]

  • DO we have not exists function ?

No. But this can be simulated with except function

The below query produces 8 rows of data

SELECT [Measures].[Reseller Sales Amount] ON 0      
, Exists( [Product].[Subcategory].[Subcategory].Members ,

on 1
FROM [Adventure Works]

With the except function in the below query it produces the opposite set with 30 rows 

SELECT [Measures].[Reseller Sales Amount] ON 0      
Exists( [Product].[Subcategory].[Subcategory].Members ,
on 1
FROM [Adventure Works]



  • Generate function forces it’s own context against existing keyword

Check the below query. It is clear that existing keyword uses the generate function’s context and that is why we got 3 subcategory against all category in the result set

with member countofsubcategory as 
Generate ([Product].[Category].[Bikes]
, count( existing [Product].[Subcategory].[Subcategory].Members)
SELECT {[Measures].[Reseller Sales Amount], countofsubcategory} ON 0
, [Product].[Category].[Category].Members
on 1
from [Adventure Works]



This is an another proof that existing keyword is simply an extension of Exists function

Happy Reading Smile

July 7, 2013

Exist v.s Existing and Auto Exist in MDX – Part 1

Though Exist, existing and Auto exist are conceptually very simple, they are the root cause for many confusion in the complex MDX queries. So let us do a simple comparisons


Normal Behaviour

Auto Exists



When the two sets are cross joined it will produce all possible combination. E.g. if we join two sets with 4 dimension each then it will produce 16 members

It forces the natural hierarchy in the below Scenarios

When two sets containing members of the same dimension are cross-joined, the resulting set is limited to those combinations of members actually observed in that dimension.
When the WHERE
clause contains a member of a dimension, sets along the axes containing members from that same dimension are limited as well.

It forces the natural hierarchy with out returning the forcing/second set

Auto exist is not applicable to calculated members and if we want to force this behaviour then we need existing keyword

When to useWhen we want to display the measures based on two different dimensionWhen we want to display the measures based on the members in different level from same hierarchyAchieve the same Auto exists results with out displaying second DimensionForces the local context in the calculated members

Normal Behaviour

Run the below query

SELECT [Measures].[Reseller Sales Amount] ON 0
, [Product].[Category].[Category].Members on 1
from [Adventure Works]


Based on the above query we have 4 Categories in the Product Categories Hierarchy

SELECT [Measures].[Reseller Sales Amount] ON 0
, [Geography].[Geography].[Country].members
on 1
from [Adventure Works]

Based on the above query we have 6 countries under geography hierarchy

Let us Cross Join it

SELECT [Measures].[Reseller Sales Amount] ON 0
* {[Geography].[Geography].[Country].Members
} on 1
from [Adventure Works]



So along with the header row it has returned 25 rows which is direct cross product of 4 Products and 6 countries (24 data row + 1 Header row)

What other ways to achieve the cross join

You can use the cross join function as shown below

SELECT [Measures].[Reseller Sales Amount] ON 0
,crossjoin ([Product].[Category].[Category].Members
, [Geography].[Geography].[Country].Members
) on 1
from [Adventure Works]

Even if you remove the Crossjoin keyword in the above query,  it will still produce the same result .

SELECT [Measures].[Reseller Sales Amount] ON 0
, [Geography].[Geography].[Country].Members
         ) on 1
from [Adventure Works]
 The reason is MDX will try to resolve the other dimensions of the cube for every combination (remember the partial tuple law)and will get you the cross join.

Auto Exists

In the above example we have used the cross join between two different hierarchies (Product.category and geography.country). let us join between category and sub category from same product hierarchy.

Step 1: Let us find the count of subcategory first

SELECT [Measures].[Reseller Sales Amount] ON 0
, [Product].[SubCategory].[SubCategory].Members on 1
from [Adventure Works]
 Along with header row we have 38 subcategories, let us cross join subcategory and category.


SELECT [Measures].[Reseller Sales Amount] ON 0
, [Product].[Category].[Category].Members *
[Product].[Subcategory].[Subcategory].Members on 1
from [Adventure Works]

As you can see from the output though it has given the cross product, it still only has the same 38 (37 rows of data + 1 header) rows in the output. as per the normal behaviour it should be 4*38 = 152

The reason is, based on the Product category hierarchy, only valid category and Subcategory combinations are produced. 


What is Existing 

Let us create a calculated member in the above query
with member countofsubcategory as 
count( [Product].[Subcategory].[Subcategory].Members)
SELECT {[Measures].[Reseller Sales Amount], countofsubcategory} ON 0
, [Product].[Category].[Category].Members *
on 1
from [Adventure Works]
Though we are displaying each subcategory in the list, still we got the total count . This is because Auto exist doesn’t control the calculated members  
So by inserting Existing keyword in the above query,it will produce the expected result which 1 per subcategory
with member countofsubcategory as 
count( existing [Product].[Subcategory].[Subcategory].Members)
SELECT {[Measures].[Reseller Sales Amount], countofsubcategory} ON 0
, [Product].[Category].[Category].Members *
on 1
from [Adventure Works]


What is Exists function ?

Exists uses the “Auto exist” functionality but avoid displaying the “second set” in the results

SELECT [Measures].[Reseller Sales Amount] ON 0      
, Exists( [Product].[Subcategory].[Subcategory].Members ,
on 1
FROM [Adventure Works]


It only displays the subcategories which are related to Clothing category without displaying category in the result.